Monday, March 14, 2011


Recently this crew above went to the Stars game. Even with a reverse camera-where I can see myself taking the picture-I still can't get a good picture. Honestly, I blame my husband. He hates pictures and was hesitant about scooting over to get in it. Where as my brother in law has no issues with pictures. Why can't MY husband be more like his BROTHER in this aspect??? Really frustrating at times. A.N.Y.W.A.Y. we had fun. Melissa, my brother in law's wife, is a teacher and her entire class won tickets because they raised the most money for a fundraiser...I think. But she and my nephew were in Houston for the stock show so Matt took us. I love the city! Love, Love, Love it! We went early so we could eat dinner. Since one of my best friend's used to live down there in a condo right next to the American Airlines Center I remembered that at the bottom of her building was a Mexican Restaurant, Luna De Noche. It was enjoyable, waiter spilt Matt's water all over the table. HaHa!

After dinner we had time to kill so we went to this little bar outside the AA Center. It was such a nice, cool evening that night. Wonder what they are looking at?? No clue! The boys were so excited to see where they tape the morning news. You could see in the windows and there were 2 news ladies sitting at the desk. Well as we walked closer we saw that we could actually go in, open tour at that time. :-) You could take pictures with them if you wanted. I was trying to get my boys to go sit in the 2 chairs that they sit in during interviews on the morning show, but they wouldn't. You could see where they did the weather with the green screen. Kinda cool.

We had decent seats. Really wherever you sit is good in there. They were introducing the players in this picture. This will sound weird, but Matt and I both made the comment how everything seemed so CLEAR in there. It was weird.

This had to be the Stars #1 fan!! Never seen a fan so enthusiastic, it was great!! The only bad thing was that when the stars scored their second goal, he was busy getting cotton candy for his little girl so he missed it. It was funny because all of us sitting up around him pointed to where he should be sitting saying how he missed it.
It was a fun night! I always love our "Matt" time. He's fun to be around. The best part is that he gets Morgan...he's the only other person that sees through the comments that Morgan makes. The comical comments that Morgan makes. The embellished comments that Morgan makes for the fun of it. While everyone else believes him, Matt and I know better and so we get a good laugh at him together. I know that sounds mean, but it isn't. It's really quite funny!

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