Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Craft Craze Day

Savita was our photographer, so she's missing. :(

Quick Note...notice how we're all dressed the same??? A shirt with a light little sweater type jacket over it??? Guess we some how all got the subconscious memo to dress alike. Made me laugh! Even Savita is dressed this way!
Today was "Craft Craze" Day. This is quickly becoming my favorite day of the month!! I went back to my last blog post and put our names under the picture I posted so you would know who is who...so when I throw names out you'll know who I am talking about.

Have you ever had those days where you just wake up and for a brief moment in time everything feels PERFECT? Today was one of those for me. Actually, the entire day felt so perfect!! The sun was shining and I was getting to go hang out with some fun girls and get to craft while having a blast. We laugh sooooo much at ourselves and each other. Today we met at Nina's house. Oh my word!!! I can't even begin to describe how GORGEOUS her house is!! Or Big!! She's such a natural hostess and had brunch waiting for the 4 of us when we got there. I mean, the type of stuff that would most likely take me HOURS to make and stress over, she just whips out of the oven like no big deal. I wish I could be like that! I wish I had a house like that to host in!!

Savita is our fearless leader. I wish everyone had someone like her in their lives. She's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. One of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She's the one that's been getting our projects together, buying the stuff, and organizing for us. All so effortless I must say...while taking care of her three kids and husband. No clue how she does it. I can barely keep me and Lillie Bear together, much less 3 other human beings...and a husband, to boot.

Anyway, we ate and then whipped out our hot glue guns and got to crafting...and burning out fingertips off. DANG!! That stuff is HOT!! We were all jumping and semi yelling when we were caught off guard by the glue. Except for Lydia who amazingly has some high pain tolerance...or is just better at keeping her squeals inside than the rest of us. We made these flowers today, buttons and all. They are super cute! Savita walked in with one on her little craft bag she had all of the supplies in. Then showed us how we can put them on hats, tank tops, shirts, hair etc. Apparently, Savita thinks we are just amazing crafters and could bust out 9 of these in one crafting day. Lydia and I also thought that we might possibly need to do two projects today because we'd fly through these things...WRONG!! Oh my goodness, they are kind of hard. I think if you were to remove from the equation the possibility of burning fingers with a glue gun, this might have been possible. But since you have to take your time, they take a while. Lydia and I made 3, Stephanie 2, and Nina was the overachiever with 4. Savita whipped out 3, but she doesn't count since she had already practiced on many of them, so she already had the skill down. :) Plus, she had to leave a little earlier than the rest of us so I'm sure it would've been more like 6 for her if she'd stayed the entire time. ;) So here is the result of our Craft Craze Day...

This is one of Stephanie's that she did today. She went home and put the flower in her sweet little girl's hair. I think it looks precious! Her daughter now wants her to make them for all of the girls in her class...good luck with that Steph! We see many late nights in your very near future. ;)

These were Nina's. I just LoVe the blue and orange one. Can't wait to make one of those for myself.

Here's a close up of one of my flowers. I'm too tired to figure out the settings on my camera to take a nice looking pictures...so this is what you get.

These were the 3 I made. Trust me, they look way better in person. Haha! But, no, seriously they do!!

So that's what we did today. Once again, I'm so lucky to be a part of this group of girls. Love them! I had a lady that I work with the other day ask me if my life is really always so Happy! Made me laugh. She wasn't being rude, just curious. I told her, "Hell No!" But I just choose to focus on the good. There's so much more good in life than bad. Who wants to walk around all day being depressed?? Not me! I have such amazing friends in my life! Friends that I can call in a moments notice for anything, at anytime of the day, and they would come running. I would never hesitate to do the same for them!! So yes, most of my blogs are up beat, most of my facebook posts are about the good in my life...DEAL WITH IT!! :-)

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