Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sugar Cookies & The Wii!!!

A couple of weeks ago on a Monday, the day before it turned icy, I got together with these two fantabulous girls...Leslie and Veronica. I love these girls and we always have so much fun. Leslie used to make these awesome sugar cookies with this yummy icing and bring them to work. We would eat them so fast and we all insisted they were the best sugar cookies we have ever had. So, Veronica and I insisted that we were going to come over and learn how she does them and learn what her secret ingredients are.
So, first we went to lunch at this really good Mexican food restaurant. I think the three of us could eat Mexican food every day if we had to, that's how much we love it. We always talk about our jobs and I am always amazed at their stories. They take care of some seriously ill children that have a lot of issues and I can't help but think how great it is to know these two girls that have this wonderful ability to do this every day they go to work. There is no way I could go to work every day knowing that I was going to be taking care of some pretty sick kids that also sometimes have some really bad home lives. It would be too hard for me. But, they do it and seem to love it. Both of these girls are really smart and I always feel better after spending a day with them.
After lunch, we came back to Leslie's place and it was time to make sugar cookies. It was so much fun. The cookies have "cream of tartar powder" and Veronica and I looked at each other and busted out laughing when we thought it mean "tartar sauce." Ick! Could you imagine? The hardest part is rolling the cookie dough out because you have to get it a certain thickness. I can tell that when Leslie and Veronica have children, they will be spectacular mothers! I, on the other hand, will have to keep practicing with the dough thing because I am not that good at it. We made all different shapes from flowers to hearts. I think we might have eaten more cookie dough than we cooked because it was so yummy! We then decorated them and that was lots of fun. The icing was really good, too. Making these cookies is definitely a team effort because it's time consuming, but really fun when you are in great company.
After we made and decorated the sugar cookies, it was time to play the Wii. I think the most fun was designing myself and what I looked like. I gave myself these really huge lips because that's what I would change about myself if I could. I don't have any lips and that's what I always notice on everyone else. After we designed ourselves, it was time to play. We played a couple of games but the most fun was bowling. I was probably the worse, which isn't too far off from reality, then Leslie, and then Veronica was the best. She kept getting strikes and Leslie and I were like, "What the heck?!" We didn't realize we were in the presence of a CHEATER! haha! Veronica had this little trick she knew to get strikes and she finally spilled her secret. After that, we were all making strikes. It was so much fun.
This was a great day for me spending time with these two girls. It was a cold, rainy day outside and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it. It was so cozy in Leslie's place, making sugar cookies, and playing the Wii. It was definitely a perfect day!!!


  1. I love to Wii. You have got to tell me the strike trick. I also love golf and the Wii Fit.


  2. I love to Wii. You have got to tell me the strike trick. I also love golf and the Wii Fit. The cookies sound kind of like ones my mom makes called "Scotch Cookies" yum they're good.

