Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Craft Day~July

No, you're eye sight is not messed up. I really do look a hot damn mess in the above picture. I guess I had a momentary lapse in memory forgetting that there are always photo-ops at these little Craft Days of ours. Since I knew we were going to be swimming after crafting, I really didn't see the need to do my hair and make-up to just have it ruined shortly later. So I basically rolled out of bed and went to craft group. Big mistake! HUGE! Why? Because these lovely pics get posted onto Facebook for the world to see. UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Now to recover from the hot mess above, I will show you some beautiful friends of mine...

Moving on...we always start off our crafting with a nice little alcoholic beverage. That day it was...

Skinny Girl Margaritas. These are really good and not as high in calories as a regular margarita. Highly recommend them. Then we progress to...

FOOD! We always have delicious food. Those chocolate cookies you see have Rolos in the middle and are absolutely divine. I won't share with you how many I ate :-/ leaving no room for chips & queso and chicken enchiladas. This week we decorated tiles. Stone tiles and regular tiles. I loved this project! It's such a good gift idea and so easy to make. People can use these as coasters or decor. So first you pick your stones...

Then you pick your paper you want to use, grab some Mod Podge and your good to go...

You just cut your paper to fit how you would like, Mod Podge before then put your paper on. Then apply 4-5 coats. When you're done with the Mod Podge you spray them and you're done. So Easy!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like this idea! But I think I missed something... you coat with Mod Podge and spray them ?? with what?? KH
