Monday, April 20, 2009

Looks Like We Made It!!!

I just received a CD with pictures of our wedding this past week and wanted to share these with you. The picture above I absolutely love. It just takes me back to our wedding day instantly. When I turned the corner to walk into the church I honestly felt so much love coming my way. I felt like I was walking into a magical garden and there stood my prince at the end of the aisle waiting for me. It was so overwhelming and that's why I cried, but I did get it together by the end of the aisle. If I could chose a moment to live over again thus far in my life, it just might be that one.

The picture below I just love. I have no clue what we were talking about but I love how I am looking into his eyes. This picture, to me, just shows how much I love him to pieces and how he will always be there for me!!! Lord, please let our love last forever and ever and ever!!! Amen.

Sooooooooo, looks like we made it a year. Yeah!!! Here in less then two weeks we will be married one year. I'm blogging about it now because we are about to have a busy couple of weeks. I must say, this year has flown by. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. Morgan's aunt told us that if we can make it the first year, we'll make it for life. She said the first year is the hardest because we will be learning each other's ways of life and how we function. I must say, it really hasn't been that bad. Morgan is a fantastic husband. He's so easy to live with. Doesn't have any annoying habits like leaving the toothpaste lid off, leaving clothes on the floor, etc. Well, let me take that back. His only bad habit is that when he has to go to work and I don't, he's slightly on the loud side in the mornings. He likes to slam the door when he leaves. It used to take him 5 minutes to kiss me good bye when all I really wanted was for him to kiss me, tell me he loves me and go on...which is now what he does. Now, I know I have bad habits of my own. For instance, every single night, don't ask me why, I cannot remember to take my vitamin and put my chapstick on BEFORE I get in bed. I don't know why this is so hard for me to remember. So, I always have to ask him to get it for me while he's still up because I am already cozy in bed. Oh, I also forget to put my lotion on and turn the ceiling fan on. He always has to get my lotion and turn the fan on. I know these sounds so stupid, but night after night, I know it gets on his nerves. All he wants to do is brush his teeth and jump in bed, but he has to tend to me first. But I see it this way, if these are our biggest complaints about each other, we're doing pretty dang good. I know he would miss me terribly if I wasn't there to ask for these nightly things from him just like I would miss him slamming the door every morning if he was ever not there. :) We've had a really great year. We've had a few bumpy days but they have only made us stronger as a couple. I love my cowboy! He has been such a blessing to me over this past year and I would be lost without him. We will be going to Vegas for our 1 year anniversary and I am so excited. Morgan has never been and I know he's going to love it. I wanted to go to Mexico but due to the drug wars, our parents not real thrilled about it, and Morgan giving me his sob story about everyone has gone but him, we are going to Vegas. We're staying at the Wynn which I am even MORE excited about. I will have to tell y'all all about it when we get back. Thank You all for you love and support during our first year of marriage!!!


  1. I keep saying this, but it is true, I am so happy for you that you have found such a wonderful love, you deserve it, you both do.

  2. My best friend and my brother film weddings for people. I didn't even think about referring him to you last year when y'all got married. I'm glad you made it a year!

  3. it's okay, marcus. the company that did our DJ-ing also did our wedding video. :)

  4. My boss walked by yesterday while I was reading your blog and he said what a beautiful lady you are. See I'm not bias, you are beautiful!
