Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I've been wanting to write something since this happened but never knew what to say until today. I've been wanting to encourage all of you to donate money to Haiti. I have always felt like we are so blessed to live in this country to be born under the "red white & blue" and when something like this happens, it just emphasizes that even more for me. We are so blessed to be in this country, so much so that I think we don't even have a smidgen of a clue how really blessed we are...which is a whole other topic. The picture above is one of my best friend's, Holli. She went on a mission trip with our church to Haiti. (It's been quite sometime.) I remember we were all worried about her going because of her blond hair and blue eyes. Thankfully, under the protective wings of Angels, she made it back safely. This was a picture taken while she was there with one of the orphanage kids.
I heard a story today that really touched me and finally pushed me to write something about Haiti and the importance of all of us donating. As I was on my way to work out I heard a story on 102.9, I believe. Now typically I ONLY listen to music but something made me stop and listen to this story. Some of you may have heard it. It's a story about a news crew that is in Haiti covering this disaster. They were outside of a bank. The bank used to be five stories high and was reduced to maybe 3 feet off the ground. Just a mound of rubble. While everyone was digging through the rubble, most likely looking for money, there was a man standing off to the side just watching. The news crew asked the man why he was just standing there, not saying a word or doing anything. He had been standing in that spot for FIVE DAYS. He said that his wife worked in that bank and he knew she was in there when the earthquake happened. He said he was going to stand there until she was either pulled out alive, or dead. (Talk about love and devotion!!!) Well they didn't have the man crew to do any kind of serious digging. Then a group of fire fighters from Los Angeles came walking down the street who had adequate equipment to assist. They told the fire fighters the situation and they started digging. After digging for a little bit they heard a female voice. The man who had been standing on the side for five days went running over to where they were. It was his wife!!! She was alive!!!! They pulled her out and the only thing was wrong was her hand. It had gotten smashed in the collapse of the building. After five days of no food or water, she was alive and nothing serious was wrong. Praise God!!! The man got his wife and they drove off together.
I just think that's a miraculous story. We need to donate to not only support the people in Haiti, but the volunteers that are taking the time, being away from their own family, to go aid the Haiti people. You can donate by texting "Haiti" to 90999. This will donate $10. You can also go to www.redcross.org and donate. I also believe this Friday there will be a telethon by celebrities that will be taking donations. I know some might say, "I just don't have the money." But these people really have NOTHING!! They really didn't even have much before this and what they did have is now destroyed. God has richly blessed us in so many ways! I think we need to give to the Haiti people, regardless of how small the amount. I wish I could just get on a plane and fly over there and help them, but I can't . So this is the least I could do.

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