Monday, January 4, 2010

The Embarrassing Truth!!!

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived by herself, lived 5 minutes from the gym and worked out at least 3-4 times a week, came home from work and ate either cereal or a sandwich. This girl RARELY had any alcohol and really didn't eat out very much. Meet this girl...

Then this girl above fell madly in love with a Cowboy, moved to the country where the gym was a 20 minute drive one way, started eating fast food and going out to dinner where an occasional alcoholic beverage was involved, and apparently lost her tan and became pasty white which makes her look WAY worse!! Meet this girl...

SIGH!!! Yes, this is completely embarrassing and I am humiliating myself, but this is what I need to do. I need all of y'all to hold me accountable and to help me stay on track. The picture above was taken just the other night. This is the heaviest I have EVER weighed!!! BLAH!!! So we will consider this the "before" picture. My friend, Lydia, who is in this picture with me is getting back in shape with me. The other day we came up with a reward system for when we lose weight at 5 pound increments. I am so excited!!! I also talked her into signing back up for our gym we used to go to. We are going to do some classes together because I think that's where we can really lose some weight because the classes kind of work all areas of the body. We are starting tomorrow at 0830. Now all that know me know that I typically don't get up until 0900 on my day off, but I am desperate to lose weight so we are meeting for a class. I am excited and scared!! I'm praying I don't pass out since it has been awhile since I have exercised. I hope some day soon we will have a great "after" picture of our slimmer selves!!

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