So today after I got done with my workout with Lydia, I had a message from my father in law asking if I could go feed Maks. Maks wouldn't eat for my mother in law prior to her leaving for work so he was wondering if I could get him to eat. I was hesitant, but went over there to see what I could do. After all, I am a city girl now living in the country!!! But I guess after working with babies for almost 10 years, I could try. As I was walking in I was praying he wouldn't be dead. This is what I saw...
Maks all curled up sleeping. So sweet. So I picked him up and felt his little heart beating, thank goodness!!
I then took this picture to send to Lydia because she wanted to see how cute he was. Take notice of how much milk is in the bottle sitting on the table. This is before Maks ate. I'm pretty sure he's giving me the same look that Morgan gives me when I want to take pictures of him.
At first Maks didn't really want anything to do with the bottle. I was thinking, oh great, I'm going to have to do what Matt and I had to do last night BY MYSELF!! Once I opened his mouth and stuck the bottle in, he went to town. He sucked so good and was so eager to eat!! He ate an 1 1/2 ounces. :) :) :)
After I held Maks for a little bit and petted him & talked to he's a puppy or something...I put him back in his bed. He was standing and even moving around a little. WAY more than he was doing last night.
So I hope little Maks makes it!!! If not, I will be one sad little lady. :( I just got home from feeding him again. I fed him at 3pm another 1 1/2 ounces. Then we snuggled in the chair. Matt started laughing when he walked in and saw me. I couldn't help it. Having his little head on my chest all snuggled up to me was irresistible. Although, it kind of makes me worried about how I will be as a mother. I went over at noon, didn't let GiGi out. GiGi is M&M's dog. I was too focused on making sure I was doing everything right for Maks. Then I went over there at 3pm and it took me a while to finally remember that GiGi probably has needs too and to let her out. So I snuggled Maks up with me and we took GiGi outside. Poor GiGi peed FOREVER!!! But hey, at least I EVENTUALLY remembered, right?!? HAHA!