Sunday, January 4, 2009

Simple Day...What A Blessing You Are!!!

I just have to write about today because it was such a wonderful day and basically because it was just a simple day that I would normally take for granted. But, because I have been sick lately with dizziness and blurred vision and am finally feeling better and almost back to normal, I realize what a blessing today was.

I woke up this morning and was afraid to sit up in bed due to the fact that the past 3-4 days I have woken up and sat up, I had been really dizzy. I always pray before I go to well as through out the day when I think of anything that I am thankful for or feel concerned, I prayed to God that he take this dizziness away because I was about to go crazy. I couldn't work two days because of it and strangely enough, I was really missing work and all of my girls!!! Plus, who wants to be walking around dizzy with blurred vision all day? Not me! Back to when I woke up this morning, I was afraid to sit up and just laid there in bed for a little bit before Lillie perked up and started running around. I then had no choice but to get up I was and praise God I was barely dizzy and the blurred vision had pretty much gone away! YAY to God for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then took Lillie outside and preparing for it to be cold like usual I was bundled up to only walk outside and realize it was nice, warm, and breezy. Clear blue sky and what a beautiful day it JANUARY!!!

So, I showered and Morgan got off work at noon and was off to the Youth Barn. The Youth Barn is where high school kids show cattle. Morgan still helps them from time to time with grooming the cattle...whatever that means. I'm still clueless and probably always will be. Anyway, he called and wanted me to go up there and since I hadn't been out of the house hardly in the past few days and it was a beautiful day, I went. Got lost like 4 joke...on the way because it had been a while since I had been, but I didn't want to let Morgan down so I didn't give up till I found it. I must say, every time I go I feel REALLY out of place. All of the girls have these cute western shirts, jeans, boots, and these country sparkly belts that I have never seen till I moved up here. Here I am in t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. I told Morgan that I felt REALLY out of place but he reassured me that I was okay and then I thought to myself, "Why do I care what these people think of me?" and then I was over it.

On the way home I decided that since it was such a beautiful day that I wanted to cook out, but when we cook out we usually cook out at Robert & Sandra's house (aka my in laws) because it's big and open and just easy for everyone to meet there. I called Morgan and told him of my plan and he called the whole gang up which consists of his parents, his brother and his wife, his aunt and uncle, his nannie and his dad's best friend from college and his wife. The good thing about his family is that everyone is so close and always ready for anything. So it was set, dinner at 1830 and Morgan's doing the grilling. So everyone got together for a "spring cook out in January" and had fun. You never know where the conversation will go with this group but it's NEVER boring!!!

After dinner we came home and I cuddled on the couch with Morgan and Lillie...our Pug. We watched the Colts lose...tears...the game in overtime. Not usually a big football fan unless it's the Cowboys or UT but some how I got sucked into this game. To top it all off, Saturday Night Live is on with Beyonce and Justin Timberlake and it's a's the one that makes me cry from laughing so hard because Beyonce has "back up dancers" that are males. It's the funniest thing ever!!!

As I am sitting here typing this I am looking at Lillie asleep in her dog bed next to ours and Morgan is already snoring. I can't help but be so thankful for them and the joy they bring to my life!!!

So that was my day today. I had to write about it because it felt like a gift from God. Then again, isn't everyday a gift from God!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had the dizziness and blurred vision thing checked out. It's so nice reading your blog - it is so positive and pleasant.
