Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nursing and Why I Love My Job!!!

Since I have been off work for 16 days I have started to really miss work and all of the girls I work with. I know that sounds crazy because most people would love to have that much time off. I am just so fortunate to work with some pretty great girls that are fun and always keep me laughing. I have never worked where I enjoy working with everyone. Usually there is that one nurse who I would dread going to work with, but not here at this hospital. Everyone is so supportive of each other, we tell stories, and the day just goes by fast. Don't get me wrong, we are a busy bunch of nurses. We tend to have 5-6 patients a piece and you really have to know how to manage your time, deal with different patients in different stages of recovery, and also deal with all of the family and friends that come to see them. I really love doing post partum nursing because it is usually a happy time in a couple's lives. Doing this type of nursing really teaches us to know how to relate with a wide variety of people from all different types of cultures. I think that one thing that I hate to hear is that we are "pill pushers and pillow fluffers." That drives me crazy!!! I would love for anyone who thinks that to come to work with me for one day. I'm sure the second they see a patient go bad as fast as they can blink an eye, they would think differently. Nursing is a very rewarding job and in those bad, horrible days where every thing is going wrong and nothing you try to do works...we have to remember that we are only human and can only do so much. Thankfully, those days are few and far between. So, back to why I love where I work...here's a list of the reasons why I am so thankful that God placed me exactly where I needed to be...
1. Lydia...who is NEVER in a bad mood and if she is, she doesn't show it. Plus, she always has yummy recipes for all of us.
2. Rebecca...the BEST tech ever!!! No matter how awful the day is going, if she's there, it will be alright because she is a huge support to all of us. There are days I know I wouldn't have made it without her. Always up beat and willing to do anything for us.
3. Courtney...always makes us laugh! Will get up from her secretary chair and help us make beds, etc without one word of hesitation.
4. Lynn...who is like my mama! I feel like I have so much to learn from her about nursing and when I have a baby I want her to be my L&D nurse.
5. Jill...the day I met her I felt like I found a long lost sister. We've got so much in common it's crazy!!!
6. Michelle...my twin, although we look nothing alike other than we have brunette hair and are around the same age. Everyone else seems to get us mixed up with each other. Still can't figure that one out.
7. Frances...the way she says "Girlllll" and her sassy little walk. She's so helpful and won't hesitate to help a patient shower or take her to the bathroom.
8. Shyney...who is always looking out for us and making sure we are doing okay and not drowning.
9. Christine...I know when I am going to work with her I will be laughing all day. She makes me laugh without even trying to.
10. Barbara...the only person I have ever known that can say whatever she wants to whoever she wants to and get away with it because she has the cutest accent.
11. Amy...she is really smart and sarcastic at time and makes me laugh. She is a very sweet person and would probably give you her right arm if you asked her to.
12. Joanna...all her wild stories from the past...WOW!!!
13. Lizy...half the time I have to make her repeat herself because I can't understand what she's saying, but she's really sweet and she's my partner for switching days. If we can, we always switch days for each other.
14. Yasmin...always makes me laugh at shift change and giving her report.
15. Deb...and how the "world is coming to an end" point of view. I try to ignore what she says but she's probably right to some degree...:)
16. Roz...and her magic stick that she waves around. I laughed so hard that day!
17. Ellen...a quiet charge nurse who is going around helping our patients when they call out and never saying a peep about it.
18. Judy...our boss! She's a great Christian woman who sends cards to us when those close to us pass away. She comes around making sure our day is going good and has an "open door" policy which is nice when we want to take...steal...candy from her office...haha!
19. Carmella...where to begin...always smiling, shakin' her booty, etc. She's a WILD woman, but oh so fun!!!
20. Janene...don't really get to work with her much, but she's really sweet!
I could go on and on and on and on...I am so grateful to have the chance to be a part of this great group of girls!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great group of ladies to work with. A good nurse can make all the difference. I was in the hospital three times last year, and the nurses were wonderful, caring and compassionate. The only problem I had was I called for someone to come scratch an itch that I couldn’t reach and no one responded, I don’t blame them, but fortunately the repertory therapist was kind enough to scratch for me.
    :) KH
