I'd never say any of us were alcoholics, but we all sure do love a good alcoholic beverage. Today the choice of drink was wine. One of the other girl's brought this wine and it was good. It was a red wine. I brought my favorite wine, which was a little sweet for a few of the other girls. Oh well, more for ME!! :)
Then we had some yummy food...notice the order...wine-then food. We are girls that have our priorities straight. Anyway, Savita made some excellent tasting Chicken Salad. I need to get the recipe from her. She said it was easy, so let's hope her definition of "easy" and my definition of "easy" are the same, because I would love to make it sometime.
I accidentally uploaded my pics out of order, but this is Nina's initial. We painted them blue, added pink and white polka dots and then glitter. I love the swirliness (pretty sure I just made up that word) of all of our letters.
We also attached glittery Easter eggs to our wreaths!
Our wreaths and letters before we started.
Savita, Lydia, and I hard at work!!
I loooove this picture!! I think it's so cute!! Stephanie and Savita standing up on the bench to get a better look at Stephanie's wreath. Savita was being helpful on deciding on what else her wreath needed. By the way, our group picture was taken before Stephanie's wreath was finished. Nina had to get home to her new puppy dog so we took a picture before she was finished.
That is so cute and colorful!