Sunday, September 20, 2009


Friday morning when I was leaving for work, the last thing I saw before walking out the door was Lillie all snuggled in her bed. The first thing I saw when walking outside was Layla sitting on two pieces of wood on our back porch. Here lately that's where she's been sleeping. The sight of Layla sitting on two pieces of wood made my heart sad. I have the biggest heart for animals and there is no way I could be a vet. Anyway, so yesterday was Lillie's birthday. Lillie decided that instead of her getting a gift (we gave her two treats yesterday instead of one, haha!) she wanted Layla to get a little bed. Wasn't that so sweet of Lillie? :) So Morgan and I went to Pets Mart to find Layla a little bed. All the while Morgan is saying to me, "she's a 'barn cat' she doesn't need a bed." I didn't listen, I just kept on shopping for a new bed for Layla. We get home and I put it on the back porch and sit her in it, where she then bolts from it. I did it again, she bolted again. Lillie, however, had not problem getting in it and checking it out for herself. Morgan told me that she needed to sniff it and that she's a "barn cat" and probably won't lay in it. I was sad. If she only knew how soft it was, she'd stay in it forever!! We left her alone and went inside. So about an hour later I peeked out the window and what did I see? Layla-Bayla laying in her little bed. Morgan didn't believe me. He thought I was just making it up. He had to get up and look for himself. Then, what did I see this morning? Layla still laying in her bed. She LOVES it. I turned to Morgan this morning and said, "Now aren't you glad that I bought a little bed for our 'barn cat'!" :) Here's a picture of her in it...please ignore the wood and screws on our back porch. We are in the process of hanging a new screen door.

She was in the process of "pawing" it so that's why she looks funny. When she lays in it, it fits her perfectly. Now I can sleep a little better at night knowing our sweet Layla-Bayla is sleeping more comfy!! She might be the most spoiled "barn cat" in Collin County.

1 comment:

  1. She looks very comfy and happy. I know your back porch is not enclosed, but is the bed protected from getting wet? So it doesn't get soggy and moldy? Just thinking.
