Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

I have to put this on here. It's a friend of a friend's picture that I saw on Facebook. She wrote, "now this is how you get swine flu." I think it's stinkin' hilarious! I've never seen so much overreaction over something in my life. I must say, this is the first time in my life I am happy to be on the Dallas side of life and not Fort Worth. I think they have gone to the extreme cancelling Mayfest, closing schools for a week, etc. It's absolutely absurd. Get a grip people!!! They even said on TV that the actual flu that hits EVERY YEAR is worse than the swine flu. I don't see this kind of hysteria over the normal flu, which is just as dangerous as the swine flu. The news media doesn't make it any better. I think they cripple the metroplex and those living in it by their constant news coverage. Okay, we get it, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you couch/sneeze, and don't go out in public if you are sick. Aren't these basic things we should know and do on a daily basis? I was at Target yesterday ( I know, SHOCKER, HAHA!) and the lady infront of me and behind me all had bottles and bottles of hand sanitzier. All I could do was roll my eyes and bite my tongue. What happened to basic soap and water hand scrubbing? That's the BEST thing for you!!! Maybe it bothers me so much because for 8 years I went to work and was constantly surrounded by sick people with RSV, flu, pneumonia, MRSA, Rotavirus, you name it and I was around it. The number of actual individuals who have the swine flu in comparison to how many people live in this metroplex should not cause this type of alarm and panic. When people make decisions to close schools for a week, they aren't looking at the ripple effect that has. Parents can't go to work. I know the other day we had 4 nurses call in due to school closures. Do you know the bind that puts on medical staff? Anyway, if the medical professionals are not throwing themselves into a state of panic? Why are others? Sorry, this just all really hit a nerve with me!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That’s the media for you – anything that they can over hype they will.
    The photo is too cute for words.
