Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stacey & Cole

Some of y'all know Stacey. She was in our wedding and she's in some of the other posts on here. She is due the first of July and we're hoping Cole comes on my birthday. That would be awesome!!! I have been super excited about Stacey being pregnant. I've seen her belly grow over the past 7 months and I think it's absolutely precious!!! She's got to be one of the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen. She's alllllllll belly. She's been blessed with a healthy pregnancy. She didn't even have morning sickness, lucky girl!!! The best part of it all, she is delivering where I work and we are both hoping and praying that I will be working the day she delivers so I will be able to take care of her. I'd love to be able to share that moment with one of my best friends. Love you Stacey and I can't wait to meet sweet baby Cole. He's going to be one blessed baby to have you and Chad as parents. I already love the little guy and he's not even born.

Layla, oh Layla what have you done?!

As I have mentioned before, we have a cat that has adopted us. We finally agreed upon a name, Layla. Actually, I just named her Layla and Morgan still calls her "the cat." I love the name Layla, but Morgan doesn't really like it for a child's name. That's why I named an animal, Layla. Anyway, Lillie and I have a routine on the days I am not working. Around 5pm, I get Layla's food down from the cabinet. This is when Lillie Bear goes sprinting towards the back door. We always go outside to feed Layla and then come back in and Lillie gets fed. I guess Lillie figures the quicker she gets outside, the quicker she gets back in and gets fed. Well the other day we went out to feed Layla and she was no where to be found. Layla is ALWAYS outside waiting for us. She's usually standing at the back door. I was kind of sad, hoping nothing had happened to her. She's always been a reallllllly sweet cat. Likes to get in the hammock with us and cuddle. Always rubbing on our feet and legs. I called her name a few times and finally gave up and went back inside. Morgan finally comes home and I asked him if he saw Layla when he pulled up and he said he hadn't. We then went to dinner and came back home. Still no Layla. I was sad at this point. So I go inside and start watching TV. Morgan's outside doing something with his truck and he comes back inside and grabs me and pulls me outside. He said, "I think I know why 'the cat' wasn't around to get fed today." I was freaking out and I jerked away from him and said, "If she's dead, I don't want to see it." He starts laughing and forces me to keep walking. I saw her just laying there in the driveway. I jerked away from him again and tears filled my eyes and I said, "Is she dead?" Layla NEVER just lays there when she sees us. Morgan, once again, starts laughing at me. What was the deal? Why was she just laying there? She was guarding the rabbit she killed. No, it was a HEADLESS rabbit. So grossssssssssssssssss!!!! Every time I think I have got this country livin' lifestyle down, something else happens to make me realize I don't. I'm sure she kills a lot of bad things like field mice, snakes, etc. She brought home a huge lizard the other day. I sure hope this isn't going to be a trend for her to bring gifts to our house. Not sure I can handle it. The sad thing is, I have only seen two rabbits around our house. I named them Tom and Jerry. Morgan was laughing trying to guess which one she killed, Tom or Jerry. I didn't find it very funny at all!!! So here's a picture of our adventurous Layla eating her prize...barf!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Normally, my side of the family celebrates Mother's Day the Saturday right before Mother's Day. Due to us getting back from Vegas on that Thursday and then me having to work that Saturday, we are going to celebrate in a couple of weeks. I was sad that I didn't get to see my mom this past weekend because she means the world to me. I could not have asked for a sweeter, more loving, more understanding mom in my life! I love you mom!!! Looking forward to spending a Saturday with you soon in a couple of weeks!

You must know, Sandra is my mother in law. She's probably one of the most fun people you will ever meet in your entire life!!! She's the life of the party and would do anything in the world for us!!! When Sandra picked us up from the airport we were driving home and we were about to pass Chuy's. I have wanted to try Chuy's for so long. It's a Mexican food restaurant that I have heard great things about. She was laughing when she picked us up telling us how she and some lady were in a conversation and Sandra was saying how she needed a couple of margaritas after driving in traffic to pick us up at the airport. Our flight landed at 6:30 on a Thursday...prime time for traffic! Anyway, so we went to Chuy's and bought her dinner and a couple margaritas for being so sweet to take us and pick us up from the airport. Then on the way home we passed MiCocina, which is my favorite restaurant. We took Matt, Morgan's brother, there for his birthday back in April and WOW, that was a FUN night! As we were driving by, Sandra asked if that was the MiCocina we took Matt to for his birthday and I replied, "Yes." She said she wanted to try it sometime. Well I decided that we needed to take her there for Mother's Day. What I was thinking? I don't know. Sandra doesn't drink very often and they have the BEST margaritas!!! They are REALLY strong. We had a great dinner. Sandra drank her margarita and then the rest of my first one. (I only had 2, actually 1 1/2.) Then, she ordered another one, whoo! Where this MiCocina is, there are fake, tin horses that you can get on and take pics. Well, kids can get on and take pics. But Sandra and I thought we should try getting on. I got on but she couldn't. I was laughing soooooo hard. This little girl came up and was trying to tell Sandra how to get on the horse, which cracked me up even more because Sandra's response was, "Thank you, but I have grown up riding horses all my life. I know how to get on a horse." The way she said it was so funny! I have a picture of it but it's of my big ole' booty so I don't want to put it on here. Then on the way home we managed to get in BIG trouble with our husbands. That story I am not going to share here because I might get in big trouble. I have never seen Morgan and his dad THAT mad, ever!!! I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe...which made Morgan even more mad. Anyway, we made it home safely. Needless to say, Sandra was feelin' it the next day but her words to us as we were driving off were, "This is the BEST Mother's Day Ever!!!" Not sure she still believed that the next morning. :)


We survived Vegas. More like, I survived Vegas. I had been there once before so I knew what we were getting ourselves into. I am definitely a beach-type girl vacationer. Remember? We were supposed to go to Mexico but due to the drug wars we changed it to Vegas. Also, the majority of friends were giving me hell for changing my vacation from Mexico to Vegas. I kept telling them that I was just afraid something would happen the week before we were supposed to leave that would keep us from going. My head was on the drug wars, never expecting Swine Flu to hit America and Mexico. I am soooooooo glad I changed it to Vegas. But, if it's up to me, this will be my last time to Vegas. I'm just not really a big gambler, although Morgan likes it. He's pretty good. I just hate sticking money in the machines and it being gone in 2 minutes. Or putting $10 down on black and it turns up red. That's my luck. We did hang out by the pool. The Wynn has an absolutely gorgeous, relaxing pool. They play the most relaxing music. If it was up to me, we would've stayed out there ALL day, but Morgan wasn't having it. He wanted to go see everything. We went to most of the hotels. We walked every where we went. I was exhausted. Completely different from our honeymoon in Jamaica. We decided that when, if ever, we go back we will stay at the Venetian. It's such a beautiful hotel AND they have a food court. Here are some pics of our Vegas trip. We took over a 100 so here's a select few...

I took this picture the first day we got there. I really don't have many of us together because I always hate asking complete strangers to take a picture of us. Although, most seem more than happy to take it for us.
We stayed at the Wynn. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL hotel!!! The casinos in the Encore and Wynn do not get any nicer than these. The decor in these hotels is amazing. The food is really good, but WAY too pricey. These hotels are definitely for the rich, which we most definitely aren't. Most of the hotels, including the Venetian, have food courts in them, as well as restaurants. Ours only had restaurants. They did have one place called Sugar & Spice that served hamburgers, etc. They also served ice cream. I fell in love in Vegas with Chocolate & Oreos ice cream. I had never had it before but I had it EVERY night we were there. It was so yummy!!!

We went to the Paris hotel and went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The view of the Las Vegas strip is so pretty from the top. The Bellagio water show is so pretty from the air. I wish I had more night pictures but my camera has issues when it comes to taking night pictures.

I love New York. I have been there twice so I had to take a picture of the hotel. I hope some day I can take Morgan there. I'd love to see New York through his country boy eyes. I think we would have so much fun together.

We said that we wanted to see one show while we were there. Ever since I have heard of the Beatles Love Cirque du Soleil show in Vegas I have always wanted to see it. So we did. It was so worth the money. Keeps your attention the ENTIRE time. The only problem is that they serve these ridiculous LARGE amounts of beer/mixed drinks in these HUGE glasses and have a HORRIBLE exit strategy when the show is over. I wish I had a picture of everyone crammed together and everyone needing to pee so bad! It was pretty funny, although Morgan didn't think so.
This is in the Wynn sitting at a bar and looking up. The decor there is so bright and cheery.

These are the waterfalls outside of the Wynn. So pretty!

These are the waterfalls at night.

This is the HUGE waterfall that is outside the Lobby of the Wynn. You could sit out there and have drinks. So peaceful.

Frozen Cake Really Is Good!!!

This was the top of our cake. My sister in law was cutting up strawberries and found this "triplet" strawberry so we put it on top. It was perfect!

The Friday before we left for Vegas we celebrated our one year anniversary. We included our families because we love them so much. But really, we had this huge cake that had been frozen for a year and all we heard all year long was how they all wanted a piece of it. haha! Plus, without our families we would not be the couple we are today. My parents came up that Friday and we all got together and cooked out. I decided to use our families as my taste testers for a new recipe for hamburgers that I made. It was really yummy. Then we all dove into our cake and it was just as delicious as it was a year ago...seriously!!! We had so many compliments on our wedding cake and I must say, it's the BEST cake you will ever have. I can say this because I am not bragging because I didn't make it. :) I am not a girl that likes "fillings" in cakes. I just wanted the basic white cake with butter cream icing. In case you live in the Fort Worth area and know anyone getting married, it's from Creme de la Creme off of Lancaster near 820. It's a tiny little bakery that does booming business. Sooooo good. Anyway, so we were so happy our families celebrated with us. My, how fast a year can fly by!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

I have to put this on here. It's a friend of a friend's picture that I saw on Facebook. She wrote, "now this is how you get swine flu." I think it's stinkin' hilarious! I've never seen so much overreaction over something in my life. I must say, this is the first time in my life I am happy to be on the Dallas side of life and not Fort Worth. I think they have gone to the extreme cancelling Mayfest, closing schools for a week, etc. It's absolutely absurd. Get a grip people!!! They even said on TV that the actual flu that hits EVERY YEAR is worse than the swine flu. I don't see this kind of hysteria over the normal flu, which is just as dangerous as the swine flu. The news media doesn't make it any better. I think they cripple the metroplex and those living in it by their constant news coverage. Okay, we get it, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you couch/sneeze, and don't go out in public if you are sick. Aren't these basic things we should know and do on a daily basis? I was at Target yesterday ( I know, SHOCKER, HAHA!) and the lady infront of me and behind me all had bottles and bottles of hand sanitzier. All I could do was roll my eyes and bite my tongue. What happened to basic soap and water hand scrubbing? That's the BEST thing for you!!! Maybe it bothers me so much because for 8 years I went to work and was constantly surrounded by sick people with RSV, flu, pneumonia, MRSA, Rotavirus, you name it and I was around it. The number of actual individuals who have the swine flu in comparison to how many people live in this metroplex should not cause this type of alarm and panic. When people make decisions to close schools for a week, they aren't looking at the ripple effect that has. Parents can't go to work. I know the other day we had 4 nurses call in due to school closures. Do you know the bind that puts on medical staff? Anyway, if the medical professionals are not throwing themselves into a state of panic? Why are others? Sorry, this just all really hit a nerve with me!!!!!!!!